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Up in Flames Page 14

  Chance stripped out of the jacket he’d worn and pulled off his T-shirt. He ripped it into pieces and formed a couple of pads he pressed into the wounds. “Oh, baby, I should have come earlier. I should have been here for you.”

  Her eyes blinked open, and she stared up at him. “Chance?”

  “I’m here, sweetheart.”

  Her gaze darted left then right. “It was Randy. He has a gun.” She tried to sit up, but Chance held her steady.

  “He doesn’t have it anymore. I took it from him.”

  She slumped in his arms, and her eyes closed, only to open again. “Bacchus. You have to get Bacchus.”

  “Where is he?”

  She looked past him. “In the shed.”

  That’s when Chance heard the barking and the scratching. Until then, all he’d been able to focus on was Kate lying on the ground, bleeding out.

  “He’ll be okay.”

  She shook her head. “No, please. Let him out. It’s hot. He could die.”

  “Darlin’, if I let go of the pressure on your wounds, you could die.”

  “Rather me than him,” she said, her voice fading. Then she struggled to sit up. “Please, let him out.”

  Chance struggled with what to do. If he refused to let the dog out, she’d get up and let him out herself. Either way, she’d bleed out. Probably faster if she got up and tried to free the dog.

  “Promise me you’ll lie still until I get back.”

  She nodded. “Help Bacchus.”

  He took her hands and positioned them over the wounds the best he could. “Hold those there until I get back.”

  She nodded. “Hurry.”

  Chance staggered to his feet and ran toward the shed. When he ripped open the door, the dog leaped out.

  A cry sounded behind him. He turned in time to see Randy standing over Kate with a knife in his hand.

  Bacchus raced toward Kate’s attacker and sank his teeth into the arm holding the knife.

  Randy screamed and staggered backward. He tripped and fell to the ground, crying out for help.

  Chance didn’t have any sympathy for the man. He hoped the dog tore him apart for what he’d done to Kate.

  He ran back to Kate to find her passed out, her hands having slid off the wounds, blood seeping once again onto the ground.

  “Help!” he called out, afraid to leave Kate for fear she’d lose too much blood and die. His worst nightmare seemed to be happening all over again. First, he’d lost Sandy to a gunshot wound. Now, he could very well lose Kate. He’d be damned if that happened.

  “Kate, sweetheart, wake up. Tell me you’re going to be okay. We have a date tonight.”

  Her eyes fluttered but remained closed. “A date?” she whispered.

  He laughed, the sound catching on a sob. “If you want it to be.”

  “Do you?” she asked, her voice so soft, he could barely hear her words over the sound of Bacchus growling at Randy.

  “Help!” the other man called out. “Get this dog off me.”

  Kate opened her eyes and stared up into Chance’s, waiting for his reply.

  “I want it to be the first of many dates with you, Kate Bradley. But I don’t want to scare you off. If you’re not ready, I can wait. I can be very patient, if you let me be.”

  Her lips formed a weak smile. “I’m not afraid.”

  “I promise, I’m not like your ex,” he said, glaring at the man struggling with the dog, ripping at his arm. “I’ll kill the bastard. Just say the word.”

  Kate shook her head. “He’s not worth you going to jail.” She turned her head. “Bacchus, platz.” Her voice didn’t carry far enough for the dog to hear. Drawing in a deep breath, she tried again. “Bacchus, platz!

  The dog gave one last good shake before he released his hold on the man’s arm.

  “Bacchus, sitz.”

  The dog sat in front of Randy, growling, his teeth bared.

  “Good dog,” Kate said and collapsed in Chance’s arms.

  “We need to get you to the hospital.”

  At that moment, Nash and Sheriff Olson appeared from around the corner.

  As soon as he saw what had happened, Nash was on his radio, calling for an ambulance.

  Sheriff Olson and Nash cuffed Randy and led him around to the front of the building.

  A siren wailed as the ambulance arrived from the fire station. Nash led the EMTs to the back of the building. Daniel and Big Mike followed with the stretcher.

  While the medical technicians took over Kate’s care, Chance moved back, watching over her as they worked to stop the bleeding and hook her up to an IV.

  Once they had her stabilized, they loaded her onto the stretcher and hurried her toward the waiting ambulance.

  Chance gathered Bacchus’s lead and followed alongside the stretcher, holding Kate’s hand.


  “Is with me.”

  “They won’t let him come to the hospital?”

  “He’s coming.” Chance knew the guys. If he said the dog had to come, they’d let the dog come.

  “You’ll be there, too?” she asked.

  “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away,” he said.

  She chuckled, the sound catching in her throat. “Hell of a first date, huh?”

  “Can’t say it wasn’t exciting.”

  “I could use a little less excitement.” Kate closed her eyes, a smile curling the corners of her lips. “Randy set off the explosions. Like you said, as a distraction. He was looking for cocaine he hid in my grandmother’s desk.”

  “I’ll relay that to the sheriff.”

  The rest of the trip to the hospital was accomplished in silence as the EMTs worked to keep Kate stabilized.

  She faded in and out of consciousness. Each time, Chance worried that she wouldn’t wake up. He held her hand in his, praying for a miracle.

  Once they reached the hospital, Kate was whisked off to an operating room. Chance and Bacchus were shown to the waiting room. Nash, Rider, Becket, Sheriff Olson, Kinsey, Lola, Phoebe and Chance’s mother and father arrived shortly after and gathered around Chance. No one talked. Each one of them hugged Chance and took a seat to wait with him.

  By the time the surgeon finally emerged, Chance was beside himself with worry.

  The doctor looked around the waiting room. “Family of Miss Bradley?”

  “That’s us.” Chance stood with Bacchus.

  “She’s going to be all right. The bullets missed all her vital organs. She’ll have to have some physical therapy for the shoulder. With a little work, she should have a full recovery.”

  Chance nearly wept with relief. His family gathered around him, smiling, sharing his relief.

  “She’s going to be okay,” his mother said, and hugged him tight. “I’m so glad. I like her a lot. She’ll be a good addition to our family.”

  “Can she have visitors?” Chance asked the surgeon.

  The surgeon looked around at the full waiting room. “Hospital rule is only two at a time.”

  “Come Bacchus,” Chance said.

  The doctor frowned. “Dogs aren’t allowed.”

  “He’s not a dog.” Chance said. “He’s family.”

  The doctor smiled. “Whatever aids recovery.”

  Chance and Bacchus spent the rest of the night sitting at Kate’s bedside.

  Chance wanted to be there when she woke. He wanted her to know Bacchus was taken care of and that she didn’t have to worry about Randy ever again. He still wanted to have that conversation with her, but it could wait until she was feeling better.

  She’d wanted their dinner to be a first date.

  His heart swelled with hope and love for the woman lying in the bed beside him. She wasn’t completely out of the woods yet, but when she was, he was going to kiss her like there’d be no tomorrow.

  Chapter 14

  Three weeks later.

  * * *

  Kate lay on the clean white sheets on the new mattress she and Chance ha
d purchased when they’d moved together into Lola’s renovated garage apartment. They’d decided to live there for the time being as they got to know each other better.

  Chance had promised to take it slow with Kate, letting her get used to the idea that he really wanted to be with her. And also to give her wounds time to recover before they took their relationship to a physical level.

  Kate had grown frustrated with how slow he was moving and had insisted they move in together. They’d almost had their first fight as a couple over her insistence. He didn’t think she was ready. She’d kissed him until he’d agreed to move in.

  Chance stirred beside her. “Hey, beautiful.” He rested his hand on her hip. “Feeling okay?”

  She nodded, and then shook her head. “I’m more than okay and past ready.”

  “For?” He nuzzled her neck and pressed a kiss to the base of her throat where her pulse beat swiftly, sending heat throughout her body.

  “If I have to tell you...” She huffed out a sigh and shoved at his chest. “My wounds are closed, I’m well on my way to a full recovery.” She cupped his face in her palm and brushed a kiss across his lips. “I’m ready for you to make love with me.”

  Chance frowned. “I don’t want to reinjure you.”

  “You’re not going to. If anything hurts, I’ll tell you.” She smoothed her thumb across the wrinkles on his forehead. “I know my limits.”

  “You might know yours, but I’m not sure that, once we start, I can hold back.” He leaned up on his elbow. “I’ve waited this long, I can wait a little longer, sweetheart.”

  It was Kate’s turn to frown. “Well, I can’t wait another minute. If you won’t make love to me, I’ll just have to make love to you.” She rolled over on top of him and pulled her nightgown up over her head. Straddling his hips, she stared down at him, her naked breasts there for him to feast on. “Am I getting through to you?”

  He reached up, cupped her breasts in his hands and groaned. “Sweetheart, you had my attention from the first day we met.”

  She laughed. “Bacchus had your attention. I was an afterthought.”

  “He did knock me on my ass, but you were the reason I hung around.” He gripped her bottom in his hands and lifted her off him.

  Kate pouted. “I can’t tempt you in the least?”

  “Oh, I’m beyond tempted,” he said, “but it would help if we were both completely naked before we start.” And to prove his point, he rose from the bed, stripped out of his shorts and stood before her in all of his masculine glory. “I wanted everything to be perfect, so I could show you how good we could be together.”

  “I have no doubt we’ll give this mattress a good workout,” she said as she slipped out of her panties and tossed them into a corner. “Come here, big guy. I think we’ve both stopped running from our pasts. It’s time to build a future.”

  “I couldn’t have said it better.” He climbed onto the bed and leaned over her, not putting his full weight on her body. “I knew from that first kiss that you were special. It just took me a little longer to realize how very special.” He kissed her soundly.

  Kate opened to him and swept her tongue across his, deepening their connection. She ran her hands over his back and down to his buttocks. She spread her legs and guided him to lie between them, his shaft pressing against her entrance. “I love you, Chance Grayson,” she said. “I didn’t think I could fall in love until I met you.”

  “And I didn’t think I could fall in love again, until I found you,” Chance said. “I love you, Kate Bradley. You brought me back to a life worth living. Thank you.”

  “And you showed me there are still real men out there. I was lucky enough to find one. Now, let’s set this mattress on fire.” She held out her hand. “Condom?”

  He slapped one into her palm with a grin.

  Kate helped him fit it over his erection, and then gripped his ass and guided him home.

  He slid into her and filled up all the empty space she’d had in her body and her heart for far too long. She’d found a home in Hellfire, Texas and a man to love and who loved her. Life didn’t get better than that.

  She was wrong.

  As he moved in and out, she realized, life did get even better. Their lovemaking made the mattress go up in flames. If she’d uttered the thought out loud, it would have sounded corny, but making love with Chance was…life-affirming…glorious. The wonder of it all stole her breath away.

  He paused mid-stroke. “You okay, baby?” he whispered, dipping down to kiss her forehead.

  “Better than okay.” She shook her head. “I’ve never…”

  “I know.” He smiled and moved faster. “Baby, hold on.”

  “Wait,” she said. Wrapping her arms around him, she gave him a blinding smile. “I love you.”

  “You’re killing me,” he said, his eyes darkening. “I love you, too. Forever.”

  Together, they moved, heat building between them until it flashed over and consumed them.

  Coming soon


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  New York Times & USA Today

  Bestselling Author

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  Total Meltdown

  Hellfire Series #7

  New York Times & USA Today

  Bestselling Author

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  * * *

  About Total Meltdown……

  An elementary teacher during the school year, Lily Grayson hires out as an au pair during the summer in order to travel expenses-paid to exotic locations with wealthy families with children. When one of her students suggests she apply for a summer job with his family going to Costa Rica, she jumps at the chance. Despite her immediate clash with his father, she agrees to accompany him and his two children to the central American country.

  Rich Texas rancher originally from Costa Rica, Antonio Delossantos, knows money can’t buy everything. He lost his wife to violence and he’s determined to save his children from a similar fate. When he learns his son’s school teacher is also skilled in Krav Maga military-style self-defense, he agrees to hire her for the summer he intends to spend in Costa Rica.

  Lily and Antonio join forces when the children come under attack by terrorists who attempt to kidnap them to hold for ransom. What starts as a summer vacation in a tropical paradise soon becomes a race to survive in the jungles of Costa Rica. Pre-order Total Meltdown Now!

  Soldier’s Duty

  Iron Horse Legacy Series #1

  New York Times & USA Today

  Bestselling Author

  * * *


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  About Soldier’s Duty……

  When their father disappeared into the Crazy Mountains, the McKinnon boys had to grow up fast. Angus McKinnon, the oldest, had just completed his fourth deployment with the elite Delta Forces when he was called home. He ended his Army career to return to the family ranch and help his mother. He was supposed to come back and marry his girlfriend, but she hadn’t waited for him. After he left to join the military, she left, too. Regret burns hot in Angus over leaving his military career and brothers in arms, as well as for losing the girl he loved.

  Bree Lansing was brokenhearted when Angus left to join the military. Though she promised to wait for his return on leave, fate played an evil hand. During a confrontation with her stepfather in the barn, he fell and she left vowing never to return. Later she learned the barn burned with her stepfather in it. Bree moves to Alaska and starts a new life there. She refuses to regret her stepfather’s death, but fears returning to Montana, afraid she’ll be charged with killing him. When her mother falls ill, Bree must return home and face her guilt and fear while keeping the man she once loved at a distance. She can’t let him close when her secrets could ruin her life and his, by association.

  With Bree back in town, Angus dares to dream of a happily-ever-after. If only he can convince her that he never stoppe
d loving her, even though she didn’t wait. What he doesn’t understand is how accident-prone she’s become since she’s returned. When the accidents turn near deadly, he pulls Bree into his protective embrace. Sparks fly and the years melt away, leaving their emotions fiery and raw. Someone is trying to kill Bree, but perhaps more troubling is the desire building between them, hotter than even in their teenaged years.

  Together, they fight to keep Bree alive and discover the culprit behind the attacks. In the process, they unearth a clue about the disappearance of the Iron Horse patriarch.

  Preorder Soldier’s Duty Now!

  About the Author

  ELLE JAMES also writing as MYLA JACKSON is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of books including cowboys, intrigues and paranormal adventures that keep her readers on the edges of their seats. When she’s not at her computer, she’s traveling, snow skiing, boating, or riding her ATV, dreaming up new stories. Learn more about Elle James at

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  Or visit her alter ego Myla Jackson at

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  Also by Elle James