Warrior's Resolve (Iron Horse Legacy Book 5) Page 11
They started with the L’s and worked their way through hundreds of claims and mining records.
Molly worked with one of the microfiche readers, while Parker worked the other. When they got through all of the Ls and hadn’t found that particular name, Molly went back to the front desk and asked the librarian about women named Lettie who’d lived or died in the county.
The librarian showed her how to search through the birth and death certificates of people who’d been born or died in the area from the 1840s until the present.
“Who are you looking for?” the librarian asked. “Anyone in particular?”
“All we have is the name Lettie.”
The librarian frowned. “Lettie was short for Charlotte back in the late 1800s, on into the early 1900s. You might want to look for Charlotte.”
“Thank you,” Molly said, and hurried back to Parker. “Pull out the Cs. We might be looking for the wrong owner. Lettie is short for Charlotte.”
They found the microfiche films from the Cs and combed through them, finding a couple mining companies named Charlotte. They looked up the longitude and latitude of those. One was located closer to Bozeman than Eagle Rock.
Another was located just outside of Eagle Rock.
Parker whistled.
“What?” Molly asked. “What did you find?”
“When I key the coordinates of the Charlotte’s Lucky Strike Mine into the computer, the location comes up on the same mountain where the Lucky Lady Lodge stands.”
“That doesn’t make sense. The Lucky Lady has been there for as long as I remember,” Molly said. “I’ve never seen any mining operations conducted anywhere on that mountain. I can ask my mother. She worked at the lodge.”
“Would be worth a look,” Parker said. “We can swing by on our way to the Iron Horse Ranch.”
“Let’s do it.” Molly stood and started to clean up the microfiche films.
“The librarian said to leave the films. She’ll put then back where they belong. We need to get to the mountain with plenty of time before the sun sets.”
Molly’s brow wrinkled as she looked at her watch. “Wow, we’ve been here for hours.”
“Jenna warned us,” he reminded her.
“Yes, she did. We need to hurry. The sun sets soon, and we won’t see much if we get there after dusk.” She led the way to the truck and waited while Parker opened her door for her. Her arm brushed against his chest, setting off a firestorm of sensations inside her. “What is it about you that makes me all shaky inside?” she said without thinking. As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she clapped a hand over her lips. “I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”
He chuckled and leaned into her. “I’m glad you did, because I was feeling it, too.” Then he kissed her, cupping the back of her head with his hand.
Molly melted into the man, her hands rising up to circle the back of his neck. She opened to him, her tongue sweeping out to connect with his in a long, slow glide. The rest of the world around them faded away in that kiss, until someone cleared her throat.
Molly looked over her shoulder at the librarian standing on the steps of the library. “You forgot your notepad,” she said, her cheeks pink.
Molly stepped away from Parker and retrieved the notepad from the flustered woman. “Thank you.” Then she let Parker hand her up into the truck. She didn’t say a word as they drove toward the mountain and the Lucky Lady Lodge.
As they neared the turnoff to the lodge, Parker didn’t slow. He shot a glance her way. “I thought we’d look around the mountain. Maybe we’ll see something on one of the back roads.” He passed the lodge road and continued along the road located at the base of the mountain. Pavement turned to gravel as they climbed the side of the hill, moving in and out of the trees, traversing switchbacks and areas where the road had partially washed out. About halfway up the side of the mountain Molly spotted a dark spot above them. “There,” she said pointing to it. “Is that a cave or a mine entrance?”
Parker slowed the truck and rolled down his window. “Hard to tell. The road is getting a little too narrow for my truck. It’d be better if we were on ATVs.”
Molly looked at him, her eyes narrowed. “Whoever has been attacking me has access to at least four ATVs. Perfect for these kinds of trails.” She looked ahead. “There’s a flat spot ahead where you can turn your truck around while we still have plenty of light. We can get out and climb the rest of the way.”
His brow wrinkled. “It’s a pretty steep grade.”
She grinned. “Afraid you can’t make it?”
“As a matter of fact, climbing is hard on my bum leg. But I can make it, if you can”
“I can do it.” She frowned. “I keep forgetting you had a war injury. We can take it slow getting up there, but I want to see what it is.”
“Agreed.” He pulled up to the flat spot and eased his truck around in the tight space, aiming it downhill for when they returned.
Parker dropped down from the truck. Before he could get around to her side, Molly was out and met him at the front.
Together, they climbed the hill. In areas, they stuck with the trail. Sometimes, they went straight up to cut the time it would take to walk the switchbacks. As they neared the dark entrance, Molly could see timbers framing the opening.
“It’s a mine shaft,” she said.
The wood beams bracing the entrance were weathered but appeared to be solid.
She pointed to an image at the top center. “Is that an eagle carved into that crossbeam?”
Parker studied the image. “Looks like a flying eagle.”
“Seems like a lot of work for a mine air shaft.” Molly shrugged. “Are we going in?”
“Let me go first,” Parker said. “I’m armed.”
Molly nodded and waited below. Parker pulled his gun out of the holster beneath his jacket and climbed up to the opening. A moment later, he holstered his weapon and waved for her to join him.
Molly scrambled up the hill.
“It’s been sealed. Someone probably used a stick of dynamite to blow the entrance to keep people from going in and getting lost in the shaft.”
“So there was a mine in this mountain,” she said.
“Wasn’t it pretty standard to have air vents in the shafts?” Molly asked. “Could this have been one?”
Parker shrugged. “I’m not a mining expert, but I think you’re right.”
Molly looked up at the sky. “We don’t have time to explore further today. But we should let the others know there was a mine here. Maybe since we found it under another name, Swede will have more luck looking for it online.”
“Right. But for now, we need to get down before it gets too dark to see.”
Going down proved a little harder than going up. The gravel was slippery, and many times Parker had to catch her before she slid off the edge of a drop-off. By the time they reached the truck, the sun had sunk below the highest ridge, throwing the mountainside into dusky shadows.
Parker drove slowly and carefully back down the rutted mining trail until they emerged onto the graded gravel road and, finally, back to pavement.
“So, what does it mean that we found an old mine on the mountain?” Molly asked, looking to Parker in the light from the dash.
“I don’t know. It could mean nothing, or it could be yet another clue to lead us to who paid Otis Ferguson to do what he did to your father.”
Molly pulled out her cellphone. “Now that I have reception, I’m calling Hank. He can get Swede to do his magic with the internet. Hopefully, our day at the library wasn’t a waste of time.”
“Hey, Molly,” Hank answered. “Did you find anything in the historical records at the library?”
“Not for Lettie’s Lucky Strike Mine, but we did find Charlotte’s Lucky Strike Mine. The recorded location is on the same mountain where the Lucky Lady Lodge is located.”
“Interesting,” Hank said. “I’ll get Swede on that n
ame ASAP.”
“We drove up the back side of the mountain on some old tracks and found a blocked mine entrance.”
“Yes, as in someone probably used a stick of dynamite to seal the shaft to keep people out.”
“There are a lot of mines and shafts in the Crazy Mountains. Some of them have been sealed, others are still open,” Hank said. “You didn’t run into anyone out there did you?”
“No,” Molly said. We made it back down without interference.”
“What was the condition of the road up there?”
“Barely wide enough for the truck and not all the way up. It appeared to have been abandoned. I doubt it’s been used in a while.”
“I’ll see if I can get a drone up there tomorrow. Kujo’s fiancée has one we can use. I’ll see if she can get it out there before the fundraiser.”
“Thanks, Hank…for all you and your team are doing for my family,” Molly said.
“I wish we were farther along than we are,” Hank said. “Your father should be home enjoying his granddaughter by now.”
“He will be soon.” Molly ended the call and swallowed hard on the lump in her throat.
Parker reached for her hand and held it all the way through Eagle Rock and back to the Iron Horse Ranch.
Molly had never considered herself a needy female. She prided herself on her independence. But right at that moment, she was glad to lean on Parker’s strength. He made her believe things would turn out all right.
They arrived at the house after dinner had been served and the kitchen had been cleaned.
Emily met them at the door with a smile. “Colin and Bastian took care of the animals. I left two plates full of food warming in the oven. Eat, grab a beer and join us on the back porch.”
“How’s Mom?” Molly asked.
Emily gave her a crooked grin as she led them to the kitchen. “She went to bed early, determined to be at her best tomorrow, despite her broken rib.”
“Sounds like Mom.”
“We’re all worried about her. None of us want her to go to the fundraiser tomorrow,” Emily said.
Molly sighed. “When she’s on a roll, there’s no stopping Mom. Hopefully, with Hank’s men, these GPS trackers and all of us there, we’ll keep her safe.”
“I hope so. We all love her so much.” Emily nodded toward Parker. “Don’t forget to grab that beer and join us on the porch.” She left them to their own devices, grabbed a couple bottles of beer and left through the back door.
Parker pulled the plates out of the oven and set them on the kitchen table while Molly filled glasses with tea. They ate in silence, listening to the low hum of voices out on the porch.
When they finished, they worked side by side to wash up and dry the dishes.
Molly retrieved two long neck beers from the refrigerator, popped off the tops and handed one to Parker.
When they emerged onto the porch, her brothers and their ladies were spread out in rocking chairs on the porch swing and sitting on the steps.
“We were just talking about you two,” Bastian said.
Molly’s cheeks heated. “What about us?”
“We’re going to a party tomorrow night,” Colin said.
“What are you going to wear?” Angus asked.
Molly shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t given it much thought.”
“It’s semi-formal. You’ll need a dress,” Colin said.
Bastian chuckled. “Do you even own a dress?”
Molly’s cheeks filled with heat. “I think so.” Although the last time she’d worn a dress had been when she’d graduated high school.
“Don’t let your brothers be such assholes,” Bree said.
“That’s right,” Jenna interjected. “You’ll have a dress. We’ll make sure you do.”
“I don’t want to be a bother, and if things go south, the dress might be ruined,” Molly started.
Fiona shook her head. “Don’t you worry about it. I think I have just the dress for you. Our coloring is similar.”
“But you’re a head taller than I am.”
“I know, but I have the perfect cocktail length dress that will fit you to the floor. Afraid I won’t be able to loan you the shoes. Your feet are much smaller than mine.”
Emily placed her foot beside Molly’s. “I have a pair of shoes you can wear. I think we’re close enough in size.”
“What about you, Parker?” Angus asked.
“I have a suit I bought for a friend’s funeral that I can wear.”
Bastian clapped his hands. “Then we’re all set for the big event.”
Molly perched on the porch rail beside Parker. “Do you really think this is going to work?”
“It has to,” Angus said. “Mom is counting on it.”
“And everyone is ready for this to end,” Colin said.
“And for Dad to come home,” Duncan added, balancing Caity on his knee.
“I’m scared for Mom,” Molly said.
“We all are,” Jenna said.
“And we’ll all be careful to watch over her,” Angus said. “If we could talk her out of going, we would.”
Bastian snorted. “That’s not going to happen.”
“Then we’ll all have to keep vigilant and take care of each other,” Duncan hugged Caity close. “Good thing Chuck will be watching out for Caity. He’s the best.”
Molly drank her beer, the alcohol taking the edge off her anxiety about the next night and the possibility of pushing their problems to a head.
Parker slipped his arm around her waist and held her close. When he finished his beer, he took her empty bottle from her hand. “I’m headed in for a shower.”
“I’m tired. I think I’ll call it a night as well.” She hugged her brothers and kissed Caity. “Good night.”
As Molly walked up the stairs beside Parker, he reached for her hand. The mellow feeling she’d gotten from the beer rapidly changed into a heat that spread through her chest and lower into her belly.
When they stopped in front of her bedroom door, Parker pulled her into his arms. “What is it about you that makes me all shaky inside?”
“I’m feeling it, too,” she whispered back.
Then his mouth crashed down on hers.
She reached behind her, twisted the knob on her door, shoved it open and stepped inside. With her other hand curled into his T-shirt, she dragged him across the threshold, never losing contact with his mouth.
The kiss went on long enough she forgot when the last time was that she’d taken a breath. Was this really happening?
Chapter 11
Blood burned through his veins and down to his groin. This woman…sweet Jesus… this woman was everything he needed and more.
He slipped his hand beneath her shirt, loving the feel of her smooth, soft skin beneath his fingers.
Molly leaned back, a smile spilling across her face. “Grab your things and meet me in the bathroom.” She turned him around and pushed him back through the doorway.
Parker hurried to his temporary bedroom, snagged clean shorts and his toiletries kit and was across the hall less than a minute later.
Molly appeared shortly after, carrying a thin robe and nothing else.
Parker’s heart skipped several beats as their gazes met. “Are we doing this?”
“If by this, you mean getting a shower?” She nodded, strode past him into the bathroom and turned, cocking an eyebrow. “Are you coming?”
Parker dove through the door and closed it, twisting the lock behind him.
Molly smiled. “You know, this will be my first time taking a shower with someone else.”
“Are you sure you want this? Because it’s all a little weird to me, being in the boss’s house about to take a shower with his daughter.”
Her brow twisted. “Can you, for one minute, forget I’m the boss’s daughter?”
“I don’t know.” Parker wondered if he’d regret thing
s in the morning. “I have a lot of respect for Mr. McKinnon.”
“I love my father, but I’m not thinking about him at this moment.” She reached for the hem of her shirt and dragged it up over her head, tossing it into the laundry basket in the corner. “It would be really weird for you to think about him right now.” Gripping the button on her waistband, she flicked it open. “Who are you thinking of now?”
He cleared his throat. “You and how much I want to hold you in my arms.” Parker peeled his shirt over his head and tossed it into the laundry basket with hers. He reached for her, brushed aside her fingers and lowered the zipper on her jeans. “I want to feel your body against mine. With nothing between us.”
“Now, you’re sounding like you mean it.” She flicked the button loose on his jeans and slowly slid the zipper down.
Parker groaned and slipped his fingers into the waistband of her jeans to cup her bottom with his palms. “Do you know what you do to me?”
She smiled and pressed her hips to his, her belly rubbing against his erection. “I have a pretty good idea.”
The next few seconds were spent stripping down to the skin. When they stood in front of each other naked, Parker’s heart was pounding, and his breathing was ragged.
“Wait,” he said and reached into the back pocket of his jeans, extracting his wallet. Sweet Jesus, he hoped he had protection. When his fingers curled around a couple of foil packets, he almost let out a yelp of relief.
He laid the packets on the counter, reached into the shower and turned the knob, setting the spray to a comfortable heat. Then he bent, sliding his hands over her bottom and down to grasp the backs of her thighs, and then lifted her.
Molly wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her breasts against his chest.
Parker stepped into the shower and turned her so that the water ran down her back, over her shoulders, and dripped off the tips of her breasts. He lowered his head to capture one of her nipples between his teeth.
Molly moaned, her back arched and her breast surged into his mouth.