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Page 11

  Alex raised her eyebrows. “And you both decided to work for the State Department?”

  “After the dog-eat-dog world of corporate America, we were glad to dedicate our time to promoting our great country to others in the world.” Thomas spread his hands wide. “And here we are, in the capital city of Niger, hopefully helping to make a difference.”

  “How altruistic.” Alex softened the comment with a smile.

  “And you, Mr. Philburn?” Alex gave him her most innocent, questioning look. “What brought you to Niger?”

  For a short moment, Philburn hesitated, his gaze boring into Alex’s.

  She felt a shiver of apprehension, but held her polite and—she hoped—questioning gaze.

  “I came for the potential of profit.” He glanced across the room. “Niger is a country with vast resources, much of which have yet to be tapped. That’s why I’m here. To find those resources.”

  “And when you do?” Alex prompted.

  Philburn captured Alex’s gaze with a steady one of his own that seemed to look right through her to her innermost thoughts. “The Niger government will decide how they want to go about mining those minerals.” He held her stare for a moment longer and then turned to Thomas. “I understand Niger’s President Rafini is here tonight?”

  Thomas nodded. “He is. And he will be in the capital city throughout the week.”

  “About time. I’ve been trying to meet with him for a month. He travels a great deal.”

  “Patience is the key when dealing with anyone in the government. The president is a very busy man.”

  “As are most people,” Philburn snapped.

  Thomas’s eyes narrowed. “President Rafini isn’t most people. As a representative of our great nation, I urge you to be cautious in your dealings with President Rafini.”

  Philburn snorted.

  “You need to get with his people to schedule a meeting with the man,” Whitley said.

  “I will.” Philburn nodded to Alex, ignored Jake and walked away.

  “Ah, the reception line is breaking up.” The ambassador’s executive officer hooked Alex’s arm. “Let me introduce you to my boss.”

  Whitley insisted on taking Jake and Alex over to where the ambassador was speaking with several people from the reception line.

  As they approached, the ambassador glanced up and smiled.

  “Thomas, who do you have with you? I’m certain I did not have the pleasure of meeting this lovely lady.” The ambassador held out his hand. “And you are?”

  Alex introduced herself to the charming ambassador, who was old enough to be her father and had a kind face. “Alexandria Parker. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ambassador Brightbill.”

  “Ah, Miss Parker. Thomas mentioned we had guests from the States staying in the embassy. I also understand you’re here with a team of navy SEALs.”

  She nodded and turned to Jake. “This is one member of that team.”

  “Chief Petty Officer Jake Schuler.” Jake held out his hand.

  The ambassador reached out to shake it. “I’m told you and Miss Parker were involved in an unfortunate raid on a village east of here in the Tillabéri region.”

  Alex nodded. “We were, but Chief Petty Officer Schuler rescued me and brought me to Niamey.”

  “We are privileged to have heroes among us tonight,” Ambassador Brightbill said.

  Jake nodded without commenting.

  “We have had difficulties with a certain ISIS faction in the Tillabéri region. Our US Special Forces are training the Niger army to defend itself against such attacks.”

  “But the people of the village were defenseless,” Alex said. “There was no one there to protect them when the militants stormed their homes.”

  The ambassador’s lips pressed together. “President Rafini is aware of the problem and is doing his best to build his army and their skills, with our assistance.”

  Alex bit down hard on her lip, wanting to tell the ambassador that what they were doing wasn’t enough. But she realized the US ambassador couldn’t always influence policy in Niger. That had to come from within.

  In the meantime, her friends the missionaries were either being held hostage or dead.

  When the ambassador, his executive officer and the CEO of Snyder Mining moved on to greet others, Alex drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “What am I doing here?”

  Jake slipped an arm around her waist. “What do you mean?”

  “I need to go back to the village and help the reverend and his wife. I’m wasting my time here in Niamey.”

  “You can’t help them alone.” Jake turned her to face him and held her hands in his. “I’ll work with my commander. He’ll chase it up the chain of command. We’ll get a mission launched to rescue your friends.”

  “When?” Alex demanded. “After ISIS has used them as an example, tortured or killed them?” She shook her head. “Bringing it up through the proper channels will take too long. It will be too late by then, if it isn’t already.”

  She lifted the skirt of her beautiful dress and spun on her fancy heels. The spacious ballroom seemed to close in around her. “I need air.”

  “Let me walk you to the garden.”

  “That won’t be necessary. I’m going back to my room. I don’t need you to escort me.” She tugged to release her hand from his grip, but he didn’t let go.

  “Promise me you won’t do anything tonight,” he said.

  She gritted her teeth without answering.

  Jake squeezed her hand. “Promise.”

  Alex sighed. “Fine. I won’t do anything tonight. But by morning, I’ll find a car, a truck, whatever I can and head back to the village. I can’t leave them to their fate. It’s not right.” She jerked her hands free of his grasp and spun on her heels, heading for the staircase leading up to their rooms.

  * * *

  JAKE WATCHED ALEX LEAVE. He hesitated for only a moment and then strode across the floor after her.

  Buck stopped him with a hand on his arm. “Hey, buddy, where ya going?”

  “Alex is going back to the village,” he stated in a flat tone.

  Buck’s eyes widened. “Tonight?”

  “I think I talked her into waiting until morning,” Jake said. “But I don’t know if she’ll actually stay.”

  “Damn.” Buck frowned. “You might not be able to stop her if she gets it in her mind to go.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.” He looked past his teammate as Alex disappeared at the top of the staircase. “However, I can go with her and try to make sure she doesn’t get herself killed.”

  Buck touched his arm. “Dude, you can’t go running around the Niger countryside. It’s not safe.”

  “And I’m supposed to let Alex go off by herself?” Jake shook his head. “No way.”

  “You don’t have clearance to leave. We aren’t on vacation in here. The CO will count you as AWOL.” Buck looped an arm over Jake’s shoulders. “You need a better plan than taking off without guns, ammo or backup.”

  “Then come up with a plan while I make sure Alex doesn’t go off half-cocked.” He ducked out from under his friend’s arm and hurried after Alex, praying he got to her before she left the embassy without him.

  As he weaved through the throng of people there for the reception, he passed Quinten Philburn, Thomas Whitley and Ambassador Brightbill. Their gazes followed him.

  He hadn’t solved anything by being at the reception that night, other than putting faces to the names of the persons of interest T-Mac had come up with. At least now he knew who was behind the illicit mining operations. Philburn didn’t strike him as a man he could trust any further than he could throw him.

  One additional piece of information he had gleaned that night was that Whitley and the ambassador had been together since they’d worke
d in the corporate world. He’d have T-Mac research Whitley along with the others.

  What he still didn’t know was whether the ISIS militants were roughing up villages on their own steam or if they were somehow connected with the illegal mining.

  Jake didn’t know, but he was sure T-Mac could find out given enough time. Only he wasn’t certain he had time. His number-one priority for the night was to stop Alex from leaving to save her missionary friends. Once he made sure she was safe, he’d work on helping her to rescue the reverend and his wife.

  Chapter Eleven

  Alex hurried down the hallway and turned right at the corridor she thought led to her room. When she reached the end of the hall and hadn’t found her room number, she sighed in frustration.

  “Miss Parker,” a voice called out.

  She stopped and turned to find Quinten Philburn heading in her direction. Alex stiffened. The last thing she wanted was a confrontation with a man she was sure was conducting illegal mining operations with conscripted workers. After she found and freed the Townsends, she’d go after Philburn and Snyder Mining Enterprises.

  Alex lifted her chin and started back the way she’d come, forced to face the man. “Mr. Philburn,” she said as she moved to pass him.

  He reached out, snagged her arm and pulled her to a halt. “I’d like to have a word with you, Miss Parker.”

  “And you couldn’t do that back in the ballroom?” She stared down at his hand on her arm and back up to his face. “Please, let go of my arm.”

  Instead of letting go, he squeezed tighter. “I don’t know what you and your pet SEAL are up to, but don’t be stupid and step into something you have no business meddling in.”

  Alex raised her eyebrows. “Whatever are you talking about?”

  His eyes narrowed to slits. “You know damn well.”

  She tilted her chin in a challenge. “Perhaps you’d better spell it out for me.”

  The hand on her arm bit into her flesh, sending pain up her arm. When she tried to shake his hand free, he tightened his hold.

  “I’ll spell it out, all right.” He jerked her around and pulled her back against his chest.

  “Hey!” a voice shouted from down the hall.

  Alex turned her head, relief rushing through her when she recognized Jake’s stormy countenance.

  Philburn released her arm and stepped away. “Things are different here in Niger. Just remember that.” He stepped past her and strode toward the stairwell at the end of the hallway.

  By the time Jake reached Alex, Philburn had disappeared through the doorway.

  Jake wrapped his arms around Alex, lifted her chin and stared into her eyes. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded, glad he was there, but not willing to let him know just how frightened she’d been.

  Jake dropped his arms and turned in the direction Philburn had gone.

  Alex grabbed his arm, her hand shaking. “Where are you going?”

  He shot a glance back at her, his jaw tight, his eyes narrowed. “I’m going after him.”

  “Don’t go.”

  He hesitated, one foot planted in the direction Philburn had gone, the other next to Alex. His fists clenched and unclenched while a nerve ticked in his jaw.

  Then the muscles in his shoulders relaxed, and he slipped his arm around Alex. “I’ll stay, but I’m staying with you tonight. I’ll sleep on your floor, whatever, but I’m not leaving you alone.” He pulled her into his embrace and crushed her to his body.

  Alex melted into him, wrapping her arms around his waist. She rested her cheek against his chest, the sound of his heartbeat thundering in her ear. “Lately, I get the feeling trouble follows me.”

  “If you’re referring to me, you’re right. I’m following you until whatever’s going on is resolved. You can count on that.”

  “But you have a job to do.” She tilted her head up to stare into his eyes. “You can’t babysit me against potential threats forever.”

  Jake’s jaw tightened. “No, but I can protect you now. Where’s your key?”

  She pulled the key out of her pocket and held it up.

  Instead of taking it from her, he scooped her off her feet and carried her back down the hallway and stopped in front of her room.

  Alex’s heart raced as she leaned over to unlock the door.

  Jake kicked it open with his foot, strode in and let her legs slide down his body. Still he held her against him, slow to release her. “Tomorrow, we’ll do something about finding the Townsends. I promise.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, and leaned up on her toes to press her lips to his. “And thank you for being there when Philburn...”

  Jake’s lips thinned into a grim line. “Did he hurt you?”

  “Not really,” she said. There would be bruises on her arm by morning, but they would fade.

  “What did he want?”

  “I’m not sure. He more or less told me to mind my own business.”

  “About what?” Jake asked.

  “He didn’t say.” Alex frowned. “Do you think he knows we’ve seen his operation?”

  “It’s possible.” Jake smoothed back her hair from her face and then bent to kiss her forehead.

  His lips were warm, soft and firm, making Alex tingle all over and long for so much more than a kiss on the forehead.

  When he bent again to touch his lips to her forehead, she tilted her chin just enough to capture his mouth with hers.

  Their lips touched, setting off an explosion of sensations throughout Alex’s body.

  He cupped the back of her head and held her closer, deepening the kiss.

  She opened to him, sliding her tongue over his, reveling in his warmth and strength. After being with him every minute of the past few days, she’d missed him when they’d been apart for only a handful of minutes.

  To Alex, the kiss became more of a frantic need to be close, to dive into him, to become a part of Jake. When he lifted his head, she dragged in air, her body pressing against his, fueling her desire, pushing her to the next level. “I want you, Jake Schuler.”

  “And I want you.” He brushed his lips lightly across hers. “But I don’t want to take advantage of you when you’re most vulnerable.”

  “Oh, Jake. You don’t make me feel vulnerable.” She threaded her hands into his hair and brought his face down to kiss his lips softly. “You empower me.” She slid her fingers along his neck to the tie knotted at the base of his throat. With deft fingers, she slipped the knot free and tossed the tie across a chair.

  Jake chuckled. “Empowered?” He growled low in his chest. “I like the way that sounds.” His hands skimmed up from her waist to her shoulders, located the zipper on her blue dress and dragged it halfway down her back.

  Alex shivered in anticipation.

  Jake halted before reaching the bottom of the track. “Say the word and I stop here.”

  “Good Lord, don’t stop now.” She reached behind her, covered his hand with hers and guided the zipper all the way down to the base of her spine. Then she hooked her thumbs into the lapels of his jacket and slid it over his broad shoulders and down his arms.

  What happened next was a frantic effort to remove the remainder of the clothing between them.

  Alex’s pretty dress slipped off her body and over her hips, then dropped to pool around her ankles.

  Jake bent to unbuckle the straps of her silver sandals and removed them with one hand on the shoe, the other on the back of her calf.

  Heat built at her core, spreading outward to the tips of her fingers. Sure, she’d only known him for a couple days, but her body knew him as if they had been together for much longer. She couldn’t stop the wave of longing, nor did she want to. Alex let it consume and push her to do things she would never have conceived of before she’d met him.

When Jake straightened, he rose slowly, dragging his fingers up her calf, along the inside of her thigh to cup her sex over the lace of her panties.

  Her hands shaking, Alex worked the buttons of his shirt, loosening them one at a time. When she reached the waistband of his trousers, he pushed her hands aside.

  He had his shirt off in seconds, then toed off his shoes and stripped away his trousers.

  When Jake stood in front of her wearing nothing but the smile on his face, Alex swallowed hard, her gaze roving his length, stopping on the jutting evidence of his desire for her.

  Empowered, hell yes! She’d made him that hot, stirred him to such a proud erection. He wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  Once again, he scooped her up, his arms cradling her nakedness against his. He laid her on the bed and parted her thighs. Inch by inch, he kissed a path from her ankle, up her calf, over the sensitive inside of her knee and along her inner thigh until he reached her center.

  There, he parted her folds with his thumbs and blew a warm stream of air over her heated flesh.

  Alex found it difficult to breathe. Her chest was tight and her gut clenched. She dug her fingers into the comforter and raised her knees higher, then let them fall to the side, giving Jake full access to the most sensitive part of her body.

  He thumbed her there, tweaking the nubbin with the tip of his finger. Then he dipped the finger into her channel, swirled it around in her juices and touched her nubbin again, stroking her until she dug her heels into the mattress and raised her hips for more.

  Jake laughed softly and bent to take her with his tongue. He licked, nipped and teased that tiny bundle of nerves while pressing a finger, then two, then three into her channel.

  The coil of her core tightened, pushing her up, up, up. When she reached the peak, she dug her heels into the mattress and rose with the surge that shot her over the edge. Alex cried out, “Jake! Oh, dear sweet heaven.”

  Jake continued with his sweet torture, holding her at that peak for longer than Alex thought imaginable.

  When at last she fell back to earth, he climbed up her body and settled between her legs, his erection nudging her entrance. Then he jerked upright. “Wait.”


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